Society : Friends Zone/ Broz Zone

Lots of guys think that being put in the friend zone means the girl don't like them..
That's is very wrong....
Girl’s don’t keep guys around if they don’t like them.
We Ladies are not that nice and we don’t have that much free time.
If a girl was to put you into the “bros” zone, they probably like you a lot.
I have LOTS of male friends..... Maybe because I feel more comfortable talking to the opposite gender..... i always do my best to keep and make sure they remain in the “Bros” Zone
Guys who are super cool, funny, nice and not too bad looking.
One was my first real crush. When I finally got the courage to befriend him
and got to know him, I knew I had to keep him.
I didn’t want to lose him and life is really too long to spend without friends.
So, I decided that we should stay friends, a very difficult decision..
Now, I have a confidant, a twin, a friend and everything I could ever ask of in this one person who has come to stay for good....
Life is complicated and as you get older, you'll Understand yourself better and know that the ideal of a romance does not necessarily translates to living.
We all have quirks and those things might not be mutually compatible.
As much as i might like a guy or perhaps him liking me, he may not really like my quirks.....
We may never make it, and then he would be out of my life, forever.....
Why ruin a perfect great friendship?
For what?
a moment of romance that might not bloom and come to fruition?
Why not just be my 'brother', then we can be together forever in a Platonic Relationship..
Ok na...
I no get anything to talk sha ooO.
But eeeH... Hmmm
Una see that Prison called FRIENDZONE bah?
My prayer...
My prayer is that God in his infinite mercies, should deliver as many guys that have walked up to that fine babe somewhere, with flowers and profession of love....
Only to be told by the babe;
"I see you like my brother.. Let's just be friends ok?".
Eewww Chi'm !!!


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