Society : Question Of The Day

Question Of The Day:-

Why Do Most Nigerian Girls Fall Easily For Guys With Cars?

 Am not here to bash any girl or anything

but with personal experiences here and

there, I noticed my assertion above can be

nothing far from truth. Some of these girls

actually quantify the riches or standard of

a guy with the car he drives… Or if he even

has one at all. A guy with a car has half of

the “toasting” job pretty much done easy

for him cos of his car.


I was at a garden around my

neighborhood having drinks with friends

when i saw this beautiful girl walked in,i

called on her in the most respectful way i

can but she acted like no one was talking to

her,i stood up and walked up to her trying

to spark up a convo but again she snubbed

me(almost giving me the “talk to the hand”

thingy,while looking at me head to toe).
I left her site back to a round of mockery

and laughter by my tipsy friends.I took the

shame thinking “what went wrong”,
“Am I not handsome,charming or articulate
I noticed her friends came later

on and it was excitement and laughter

from them,whilst occasionally pointing

towards our direction and the loser

(Probably me)…I don die!

To my surprise,days after,i was ‘driving’

out of my hood when i saw that same girl,i

honked my horn and parked right beside

her.Before i could whisper to myself ‘pls

no more embarrassment from this girl!’…

she stopped and was actually looking

excited,she greeted me “Good afternoon”

more than twice when i pretended like i

didn’t hear her the first two times.More

surprising was,before i could say a word

she immediately asked me(with a wide

grin) “am i not the guy from the other

day,the guy from the garden?” And am like

“yea” next thing she started apologizing

like her life depended on it. Damn! Magic!

I thought to myself.

Note:I got to know this girl very well

afterwards,she is 20 and by all standards

not a runs girl.

I probably wouldn’t have gotten her

attention if it wasn’t for the car.Smh!

Such a turn-off!


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