Society : Musings!

By Princess Nsikak

In my year 3 in school. I was in the school hostel. We should have been 16girls in the hostel but it happened that we became 46 in the room.
Worse, the fans in the room wasn't functioning. And only one roommate had a standing fan.
So at night, I always go to her space to sleep on the floor.
There was a girl, that used to come to our room then to ask for iron. None of my roommate ever agreed to give her their iron. But I gave her mine. I was nice like that. Or I like to think so  . This went on for 2weeks straight. She would come by 5am to collect the iron and return it in an hour time. I was warned to stop giving her the iron but I didn't listen.
That fateful day, as usual, the room was hot. I left my bed to my roommate's space. I had 2 phones then. I took it there. This was past 4. I slept, woke up by past 5 and didn't see my phones. I thought my roommates played a fast one on me because some complained how I don't let them touch my phone and others just felt I was too addicted to my phone. I dialed it but it rung not.
I woke everyone and we all did a search. It wasn't found.
Then it dawned on us the girl that always come for my iron by 5am wasn't seen that day. So we rushed to the common room where she sleeps and we didn't find her.
She was the first suspect and also the perfect suspect.
I reported to the hall captain. By 7am, this girl came. From the look on her face, we saw a scared and guilty person. But because we weren't sure and didn't want to wrongly accuse her, we kept calm. But my roommate Lizzy, who was also one of the hall captains felt we just can't keep quiet. You know what she did?
Instead of asking the girl 'Did you see Jessica's phone?' She asked her directly, 'where did you keep IT?'
Next, the girl shouted and created drama. From what she did, it was clear she stole it. Lizzy never mentioned it was a phone that got stolen. 'IT' could have been anything, could even be my iron she collects all the time. But she mentioned a phone so it was clear she stole it.
She was hall-arrested and interrogated.
Next came the tears and the prayers and curses.
I dialed my number and a guy picked up. I asked how much he bought the phone, he said N1000 each. Ok! Pls bring the phone, I'd give you 5k. He refused. Of course, scared it might be a set up.
We checked her phone and saw the last dial. We dialed and the voice sounded same with the guy that answered the call from my phone line.
But she still denied it
So she was bundled and was about handed over to the school PCI (student police) and the girl ran. She was caught and her problems doubled.
Now, let me tell you what this did to me.
I love my phones. Nokia C1 was the first phone I had, I was given after I gained admission. If I didn't gain admission, I won't have that phone. Yes! My parents are strict and over protective like that.
That phone was my asset, yes. I cherished it. It helped me because I browsed my assignment then. I held that phone for 3years no fault. I take care of things very well, this my parents know.
So stealing that phone was stealing part of me. I had to go to the cafe to do assignments, spend extra cash and all that. All the songs I had, just went down the hill. Plus the extra expenses dad and mom spent to get me another phone, plus the stress of moving to different offices to explain how it happened. Sometimes I missed classes because the girl in question wasn't a student.
Maybe I will be exaggerating but I had sleepless nights because my phones were stolen. It was a big deal to me.
Charles, my adopted school brother then gave me his Bold 5.  .
Early this year, my uncle, the one I stay with got robbed. He is a private taxi driver. He has a cool ride he uses for taxi. A Camry. This lady said she wanted going to PH to meet her husband. Uncle took her not knowing it was a plan to get him robbed.
He was given cocaine, and his car stolen, he was drugged too. In his car was money for contribution from people of over 450k.
All these stolen. He was conscious for 3days in the hotel. He woke up on the 4th day to find himself there and his car stolen, phone stolen, money stolen. How he got back to Calabar is a story for another day.
These thieves didn't care if he died or will die. They didn't care how he would return home considering Port Harcourt wasn't his state of resident. They only cared about his car. It would have been different if his phone was left for him to at least call someone to pick him up, but it wasn't.
For 3months, I saw the other side of my uncle. I saw how lean he got. Sometimes, he would scream in his sleep or shake or roll on the bed sleepless.
It was his means of livelihood or survival. He got his money from that car, he ate from there, even his house rent was money from the car he drove. I saw the other side of my uncle. See eh, just pray never to be poor or broke or cashless. It kills.
After months, with the help of a family friend, a SSS, his car was found.
When the man was caught, he denied. My uncle was invited and when he saw my uncle he faced down.
He was beaten. For once in my life, I had no human sympathy.
The stress he put my uncle through for 5months, sleep less nights, frustrated, depressed, mental break down. Oh! He should have been killed.
Every time I read the news and see how EFCC arrests a thief or scammer that scammed someone of millions of Naira. I feel nothing.
These thieves are heartless bunch.
For weeks, I've been following a story on Nairaland.
A lady did an online business with someone on Nairaland. She wanted London used gowns. She sent 120k to a lady she has never met before. And it entered voicemail
The seller blocked the buyer's number. Deleted her on BBM. Blocked her on Facebook and also on Nairaland. 120k ain't a small money. I know how far that money can help me. I don't even have up to 20k in my account and someone is stealing another woman's sweat.
Since December last year, she didn't give her the gowns, neither has she refunded the money.
So August, the buyer couldn't take it anymore. She made a post on Nairaland calling out the seller.
This seller was threatening her. When people came and told her to pay and called her a scam and a thief, she brought in God.
See ehn. I hate people that mention God at any slightest thing.
Saying God will judge or saying you are daughter of Zion. Oh please! Shut da fuck up. You didn't mention God when you were stealing. Or when you dupe people. Shut up!
She mentioned God over 500times. Then investigations were carried out. People with connections sent soldiers to pick her up but the woman ran away from her shop.
Long story short, she hasn't paid that money. This is October. Going through that thread is painful. It's sad because she's heartless. Constant lies she told that didn't add up. Now, if you search for her name on Google, you'd see scam! Scam!! Scam!!!
Sorry for the long notes, conclusion of all these.
If I happen to be at a place where a thief is caught, I'd join in burning that thief. I will buy fuel or buy firewood or tyres.
I'm that hardened towards thieves. They deserve no mercy or 2nd chance.
If I walk on the road and see a thief caught. I, Nsikak Effiong will participate in having the thief killed.
They shouldn't be spared.
Have you ever been stolen from? How do/did you feel?
What's the first thing that came to your mind should you catch the thief?
If you haven't been stolen from. You won't understand.
But Jungle Justice is the main deal.
They must be burnt to death.


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