Relationships : Crush? Looks Are Deceptive

Good Looks, No Brains!

So I'd just gained admission into the University and I was super excited.
I called everyone to tell them of the big news, I called secondary school mates, called even those I went to the
same primary school with, called my enemies too.
I told everyone living in the same street with me, in 2days, the "good news" had spread like wild fire.
I lived in the ghetto, so it was a big damn deal I gained admission compared to others that wrote JAMB more than
The "Agberos" in my street liked me because I greeted them when they walked past my compound, then sometimes, instead of using my 20naira to buy oranges or agbalumo, I would give to them to buy "Weed/Igbo"
Oh! They loved me and cheered me when I walked past them.
So when news got to them I had gained admission, They gathered to congratulate me, some cried (not like they would miss me they cried because no more 20naira for
weed), even if they didn't go to school, they were happy I was going to school and advised I read so when I buy my car I would cruise them round town.
Mom took me shopping, I bought some clothes I thought were good, but when I got down to school, mehn, e no
reach Chei #smh.
In my year 1 classes, we had a general class for Biology, Physics and Chemistry.
All science students did that course.
In year 1, considering we are freshers. There were some funny kind of dressings.
I was always surprised when school mates always knew I was in year 1. I wondered if it was written on my forehead, that's to show how stupid I dressed then and others dressed too.
Guys would seriously wear nice sneakers, timbaland, caps, towels, some would put the towels in their pocket, lectures
that was fixed by 8, some guys would show up by 10am, staggering and laughing.
There were 8 guys in a group, these guys were fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Damn!
Wizkid and Davido kinda guys.
I mean, all the girls in year 1 knew them and drooled over them and also prayed that they caught the attention of these guys.
I mean, if any one of them says hi to the girl, she would just die, I'm not sure she would listen all day in class, she would
fantasize all day long.
I crushed on all of them, I mean all.
A beggar has no choice, right?
While girls formed a group to talk about who they preferred or who appealed to them more, in my crazy circle of
loneliness, I wanted all of them.
None of them said hi to them, not even to point at me.
#mtchewwwwwwww #BlindBoys
E pain me
As months passed by, all 8 of them had girlfriends.
The girls no allow people like me see road or hear word.
The girls would "gush" over their boyfriends.
One of these girls would intimidate and depress us more by showing us pink flowers, earrings, handkerchief her perfect
boyfriend bought for her.
When we go to night class, instead of reading, we would see them walk around, and then find a dark spot to express
their love further, and instead of reading(me) I would look at them, day dreaming and imagining things they did in the dark spot.
Well, after year 1, the 8 of them weren't as close as before.
I started seeing just 4. The other 4, I don't know where they went to.
This was 5years ago....
Last week, I was so famished, and I walked into a noodles canteen.
"Oga, how far?" 'Give me 2 Mimmie and 2 fried eggs, put pepper for me and tomatoes'
' Nwanyi Oma, no wahala, fine gal, sweet gal, wetin be that your name again na? See as you fine.
#blushing . It's. .......
'Fine Gal', just give me 10mins, I go do am now now for you'
While he was preparing it, I got myself busy by reading a book I saw in his canteen .
Someone walked in, but I wasn't interested. All I could think of was my noodles and eggs.
But, I felt someone staring, so I raised my head up and saw this black fine sexy hot gorgeous beautiful guy looking at
'Hi....hi' I said stammering, smiling like a mumu.
'Hi' he replied smiling.
'Your face looks familiar' I told him, this time I fixed my gaze on him and was searching to know where I'd seen that
'Ya' he answered me.
Just then, my noodles was served and I concentrated on my meal.
Half way eating, he asked of my name, which I told him.
Then I remembered where I saw him first.
You see, this guy was one of the 8 guys that tormented girls in year 1 with his fine looks, and he was among the 4 that
we didn't see again.
He told me he changed to a polytechnic as it was better.
When he explained all that, I was frowning my face.
I'd tell you.
He couldn't speak correctly.
He was "gbagauing"
Immediately, I lost interest in him.
I mean, I was turned off.
He asked for my number and I hesitated.
I mean, if he had asked for my number in year 1, I would give him without thinking for a second, and even volunteered to call him sef but now, I was thinking twice before giving him my number..
We exchanged numbers and I wasn't excited.
I left, and that day he called more than 4times, asking for a date (a hang out)
And I would make excuses because I didn't want to go out on a date with him.
If this was 5years ago, I would even wait
for him at his door post.
He sent me a message on whatsApp, as soon as I found out it was him, I blocked him.
He called me with his line but I refused picking.
He used another line, when he said his name, I hung up.
Maybe I'm wicked.
Maybe I'm bad.
Just maybe, I was been rude.
But it's not my fault,
You know that moment when your crush isn't perfect like you thought he was.
Or he wasn't exactly what you thought
he was?
I fell for his looks, body, expensive wears, when I finally had the opportunity of knowing and seeing him without his
looks, body, clothes, watches.. I was disappointed.
My fault?
Not like I'm perfect, but this guy needs to go back to kindergarten
Don't hate me pls.
I'm out....


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