

When a woman cheats on her husband(commits adultery),
and then uses the money she gets from the "cheating" to
cook for him, or after the cheating and she gets to have
sex with her husband...
It invokes a spirit known as EKPO NKA-OWO ....
This is found in some families in AkwaIbom state...
Its also in other Edo, and some Yoruba states..
I think in Yoruba land, its called MAGUN. Where the
manhood of the man gets stuck in the veejayjay of the
My cousin told me of her friend's elder brother that died as
a result of his wife's infidelity...
Ok, this is how it happened,
For 6years or more, his man had been a regular patient in
different hospitals.. He would have swollen stomach for
months, surgical operations were carried out but there was
no improvement..
He would seem fine, when he's discharged, after a month
or 2months he's been rushed back to the hospital..
This went on for years till they(the man's family) sought
spiritually for answers...
They were told that the wife had a hand in his illness...
When they were told this, it dawned on them that she
might be cheating on her husband(their son)..
Ok!! They know they have this EKPO NKA-OWO in their
How? Yes its in AkwaIbom state but its found in SOME
families NOT ALL ...
If found in your family, and a wife cheats on her husband,
the husband is likely to die...
And in most cases, if as a result of her cheating(adultery)
she gets pregnant for the man she's cheating with... She
won't be able to give birth to her child, as she will be in
labor for days until she confesses she's been cheating and
IF she doesn't confess, she will die with the baby, and rites
would have to be performed before being buried...
So back to my story...
On the day of their traditional marriage, she was told EKPO
NKA-OWO is in their family..she was told this so she
wouldn't cheat as her cheating might result to her husband
dying, this she accepted.
Now when they were told she had a hand in his illness, she
was confronted, well, as expected she denied it.. (Who
wouldn't ?)
It happened that they had access to her phone, accessed
her Facebook and saw chats of her with her "lover" ...
They(the man's brothers) printed out the chats as
They showed it to their brother(her husband).. But he said,
his wife can't cheat on him and all that...
They warned him to stop eating her food and stop the sex
with her...
He trusted his wife and didn't listen..
He died 2years ago...
EKPO NKA-OWO to the best of my knowledge is (ANTI-
A man is free to cheat.. But when a woman cheats and she
cooks food with the money, it will lead to her husband's
death.. Sometimes, her kids may die a way of
punishing her...
Who does that??? Really?
This is a case of injustice/gender inequality...
So its safe to say that, the gods, spirits, think its ok for a
man to cheat but when a woman cheats, death is
On the other hand, its good if we need to look at it from a
different angle..
It means, if a man acts like a douche-bag, his wife has the
power to take him to his early grave...
Simple, go have sex with a random man, get paid and then
cook for the husband... Death!!!!
The part I think its unfair is the pregnancy part, where she
dies from labor until she confesses...
This happens in other states.. I don't know what its called
but I know it happens and its still happening...
The gods are not friendly to women!!!


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