
Written by Jessy

I met an idiot yesterday..
So here's what happened...
Last year August when I was still working, I met this dude
at the bank. He complimented my outfit and felt he needed
to see more of it. So we exchanged contacts and I headed
I got home as my house was close by.. He asked we hung
out. I told him I was stressed and couldn't make it. He said
he was taking me out by inviting me to his house and he
requested I come with my pyjamas(night gown) as I would
be sleeping over....
"You gotta be kidding me" I screamed.
"Hohoho" №, I'm not.
I want to spend the night with you.
I ended the call and barred his line immediately..
This was last year...
Yesterday, someone was screaming "Shalewa" "Hello,
pretty Shalewa"
I wasn't Shalewa so I wasn't bothered.. I kept walking and
someone tapped me on the shoulder, I flipped my hair (
) and guess who?????
The douchebag of last year..
"Hi, whatsup?"
"I've been calling on you for minutes", how are you?"
"I'm fine" looking confused..
Ohhhhhh! It now dawned on me that I told him I was
Shalewa the last time, I smiled..
"I've missed you" let's hang out now..
I raised my eye brows.. "Ehn ehn"
" I have to get home now, I was sent on an errand and I
need to deliver the message"
"I won't take much of your time" he insisted
"I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do"
"Ok what time will you be free, so I can come pick you to
my place"
Your place?
"Oga, pls what's so special about this your place that you
always want to take me to?"
He laughed, hohohoho, "nothing, I just want you to know
my place"
"Really, oga?"
"Yes, love"
"I'm sorry I don't want to know your place"
"But why? I want to start a relationship with you"
"A relationship?"
"Yes" infact I want to marry you..
(If you have ever heard me laugh before, you can imagine
how loud and cartoonish my laughter is)
Ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha this is
the part I laughed so hard I cried..
"Why are you laughing, I like you"
"So will you come?"
"I'm sorry I can't because I'm in a relationship already"
"Just come, he insisted"
I can't, you want me to come to your house because you
want a relationship, since I'm in one already, the idea of
your house is cancelled and ruled out..
Its called LOGIC
"But baby, I want you, I need you, I love you"
"№ you don't love me, you are just a confused fellow"
"I don't want to marry you, bringing marriage would have
tripped other females and made them come, worship you
and all.. But common na... "
I schooled him for 5mins and walked out flipping my hair
We ladies meet lots of humans like this..
Ask ladies, trust me you would hear tales..(I'm not
beautiful, I'm just unlucky to have met this one)
How can you comfortably request a lady comes to your
house on the first day?? Jeeez!
And like this aint enough, I just saw a guy ranting on my
He's angry a girl doesn't want to see her online friends but
she's asking for funds..
Its simple, if you can't help her, ignore her...
We both know some guys will NEVER help without getting
sex as thanksgiving..
If you are among the idiots that do this, you are one of the
problems wrong with humanity..


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