Society: Wrong marriages!


I found out a certain tribe during
festive season, would go to the village
in search of a husband/wife...
This tribe believes, their potential
husbands will come from abroad, and
then pick their potential wives... It's
funny because they take this serious

Number 1 reason why most of the
marriages today are NIGHTMARES

Lemme get this,
A lady (ripe for marriage) would leave
all the guys in the place she is and
then match to her village in search of
a special potential husband...
This is what happens, since its what
she wants, she would try to be on her
"Best Behavior" ..
Considering she wants to hold down
a man, she will start walking from one
end of the street to the other,
expecting a man with a car to stop
The men in question(the serious ones
ready for marriage) would also try to
be on their "best behavior" but
sometimes, since they are "males"
and males here are considered a
"demi-god" he might even show his
true nature but this lady on her
best behavior will never see anything
wrong with it.. She will endure all
the BS within the short while
because she wants to get married...
And after all these, "maybe" they did
get married. The true nature of both
people will start showing...

Marriage BLUNDER 1

How do you people sleep at night?

Number 2 reason,

Ladies, washing a man's clothes,
cooking his meals, turning to a
washing machine or an obedient and
loyal robot will NEVER make a man
marry you...
"Except" you do these things because
they are part of you and you don't
expect marriage at the end, other
than that, you are only wasting your
time tryna paint the picture of a
good "wife material with 32 yards"
The set of guys that marry a lady
because she washes,cleans, cooks and
turn to dummies must be
villagers...and "under-educated"


Picture this,
I meet a guy, he's all what I want,
Out of 10, he lacks just 1 .. And let's
say the "1" he lacks is the most
important thing I'm looking for, but
because I'm scared of staying single
and want to go with the crowd of
getting married, I still go ahead to
marry this guy because small boys / girls would tell me I will stay in my
father's house till 40 or say I should
wait for Jesus because he's got
Give me a year into the marriage, I'm
fed up already, why?
Because I didn't
make my choice, I went against what
I wanted/needed for people who
would still laugh and talk about me...
What I'm tryna "say" is this...
Ladies meet a guy, and after careful
examination, they know this guy lacks
what they are looking for, but
because they have been brain washed
that Jesus is the only perfect guy,
they manage this guy and then hate
Using me as a case study, just
because a guy is intelligent, success
driven and all, but cheats, I still go
ahead to be with him??? Hian!!! Am I mad???


The likes that will turn to "imbeciles"
immediately they hear "I want to get
married to you" and start putting up
with BS ...
I'm in № more position to tell you
this, maybe because I'm not married
or maybe because I don't see
"marriage' the way you see it..
But you just can't ignore this,
Marry for the right reasons..
Marry your friend..
If you can't deal with a stingy nigga,
don't marry him and expect miracles
If you can't deal with a guy that
smokes and drinks, don't even date
him.. Leave him the hell alone!
If you can't deal with a guy that's
lousy, don't date him and then expect
to change him..
If you can't deal with a womanizer,
that sees your big yansh but still eyes
another woman with big breasts,
leave him alone...
If you can't deal with a cheat, dump him!!!
You(women) put up with men with lot of garbage,
You put up with drama, you turn to
slaves etc and end up turning to
prayer warriors...
Some marriage problems would have
been avoided if the couple didn't
over look certain things while
Using pregnancy to trap a man
lord God!!!!
I was reading comments on a page,
this "confused female" said she must
get married at 25, she said its a done
deal from God, how? She said she will
trap a man down with pregnancy,
that its a guarantee as she can't stay without getting married till 26 ...
I pity the "unlucky" guy that will be in bed with her when she gets to 25...
This is New Year, if you have been
stupid, make a resolution not to be...
Some men around shouldn't get
married, their material ain't up to 1 yard...

Over rated Nigerian me.


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