Society : The agony of a mother as she watched her daughter destroyed by domestic violence

Sofola AUGUSTA is in her 60s, middle class and seemingly contented except for the torn in her flesh – the destruction of her daughter’s self-worth by the monster she was married to. Here, she tells her story: “December 19, 2004, was a Friday. I know this because it is a date etched deeply and painfully in my memory. My husband and I came home from a party to find the answer-phone message that would change my life for ever. ‘Mum, please call. I’ve been attacked.’ It was my eldest daughter, then 29, speaking in a trembling whisper. “I frantically dialled her number and could scarcely take in what she told me: her husband had thrown her down the stairs in a drunken rage. She had phoned me after barricading herself in the bedroom with her two children. But where was I? Five hundred miles away, living at the other end of the country. And I hadn’t even been at home to take her desperate call. Many is the time I have chastised myself for going out and for not living closer. Inste...