Relationships : Why your children might not like your new ‘find’

Bunmi, It stands to reason that with the spate of divorce the society now witnesses and the number of unwanted pregnancies, single parenthood has come to stay. The sad picture is that, unlike in the old days when single parents were mostly widows who couldn’t be considered young, a lot of single parents today, male and female, are young, intelligent and eager for new relationships. As a bachelor aptly puts it: ‘’There are plenty of single women without children you can date, but let’s deal with the facts: An equally large number of single mothers are no longer with the fathers of their children, and in many cases have never been. Does this mean they are supposed to stay home, stop dating and never meet someone worthy of them or their children? Of course not! So let’s all wake up and smell the realities of the twenties!” He continues: “I admit that not long ago, I would date an attractive, intelligent and humorous young lady, and the moment I found out she had a child, my attit...